Catherine & Kenneth Smith (USA)



Züchtungen / Varieties

1937 - 1974


Adirondack Chief Smith, Kenneth TB 1944 Louise Blake Smith, Kenneth IB 1942
Admiration Smith, Kenneth TB 1945 Lovely Melody Smith, Kenneth TB 1945
All Gold Smith, Kenneth TB 1940 Loyalty Smith, C & K TB 1957
Amos Sherard Smith, C & K TB 1969 Mardi Gras Smith, Kenneth TB 1951
Anaconda Copper Smith, Kenneth TB 1949 Marie Antoinette Smith, Kenneth TB 1941
Angela Borgia Smith, Kenneth TB 1950 Marion Vaughn Smith, Kenneth TB 1944
Ballet In Orange Smith, Catherine TB 1974 Martini Smith, Kenneth TB 1948
Baroque Pearl Smith, C & K TB 1966 Maui Moon Smith, Catherine TB 1971
Blue Valley Smith, Kenneth TB 1947 Medora Smith, C & K TB 1966
Bound Brook Smith, Kenneth TB 1956 Meringue Smith, Kenneth IB 1939
Bounding Main Smith, C & K TB 1957 Moonlight Mist Smith, C & K TB 1957
Bread And Wine Smith, Catherine TB 1970 Mt. Robson Smith, Kenneth TB 1938
Breaking Wave Smith, Kenneth TB 1952 Neighbor Smith, Kenneth TB 1945
Captain Bligh Smith, C & K TB 1962 Neverland Smith, Kenneth TB 1955
Caribbean Smith, Kenneth TB 1946 New Yorker Smith, Kenneth TB 1955
Caroline Burr Smith, Kenneth TB 1939 Oh Suzanna Smith, Kenneth TB 1943
Cascade Smith, Kenneth TB 1941 Paradox Smith, C & K TB 1960
Castles In Spain Smith, C & K TB 1957 Pearl Mosque Smith, C & K TB 1957
Champion Smith, Kenneth TB 1953 Personality Plus Smith, Kenneth TB 1955
Chinese Gold Smith, Kenneth TB 1945 Pink Ruffles Smith, Kenneth IB 1940
Cinderella Smith, Kenneth SDB 1945 Precious Days Smith, Kenneth TB 1952
Cool Harbor Smith, Kenneth TB 1943 Rajah Smith, Kenneth TB 1942
Copper Craft Smith, C & K TB 1966 Red Witch Smith, Kenneth TB 1946
Daughter Marlene Smith, C & K TB 1960 Regal Splendor Smith, C & K TB 1957
Diana Smith, Kenneth TB 1938 Repartee Smith, C & K TB 1968
Dolly Lorey Smith, Kenneth TB 1955 Richmondtown Smith, Kenneth TB 1955
Dongan Hills Smith, Kenneth TB 1945 Roanoke Smith, Kenneth TB 1945
Dr. Bob Smith, C & K TB 1957 Robert J. Graves Smith, C & K TB 1957
Dynasty Smith, C & K TB 1960 Sally Ann Smith, Kenneth TB 1943
East Indies Smith, Kenneth TB 1953 Samurai Smith, Catherine TB 1971
Edith Rorke Smith, Kenneth TB 1945 Sarah Averell Smith, C & K TB 1960
Elegans Smith, Kenneth TB 1941 Sarah Shockey Smith, Kenneth TB 1955
Elizabeth Noble Smith, Kenneth TB 1955 Sea Nymph Smith, Kenneth TB 1946
Ellen Smith, Kenneth TB 1942 Serene Valley Smith, Kenneth TB 1951
Enigma Smith, C & K TB 1960 Siesta Smith, Kenneth TB 1943
Enterprise Smith, C & K TB 1960 Silver Hawk Smith, Kenneth TB 1953
Fall Days Smith, Kenneth TB 1945 Snow Valley Smith, Kenneth TB 1949
Fort Ticonderoga Smith, Kenneth TB 1945 Snug Harbor Smith, Catherine TB 1970
Freedom Smith, Kenneth TB 1944 South Pacific Smith, Kenneth TB 1952
Gertrude Wister Smith, C & K TB 1961 Spellbinder Smith, Kenneth TB 1951
Golden Days Smith, Kenneth TB 1946 Staten Island Smith, Kenneth TB 1947
Golden Hawk Smith, Kenneth TB 1949 Stella Polaris Smith, Kenneth TB 1938
Grasmere Smith, Kenneth TB 1951 Sumi San Smith, C & K TB 1961
Great Joy Smith, C & K TB 1960 Sun Valley Smith, Kenneth TB 1955
Grosvenor Smith, C & K TB 1960 Tawny Pink Smith, Kenneth TB 1955
Harriette Halloway Smith, Kenneth TB 1951 Thai Silk Smith, C & K TB 1966
Heaven On Earth Smith, C & K TB 1960 The Bride Smith, Kenneth IB 1945
Helen Collingwood Smith, Kenneth TB 1949 The Red Admiral Smith, Kenneth TB 1941
Helen Myers Smith, C & K TB 1966 The White Sentinel Smith, Kenneth TB 1941
High And Mighty Smith, Kenneth TB 1957 Thunderhead Smith, Kenneth TB 1944
Hilary Smith, C & K TB 1960 Tidesong Smith, C & K TB 1966
His Excellency Smith, Kenneth TB 1944 Tradition Smith, Kenneth TB 1952
Honey Smith, Kenneth IB 1938 Tropic Skies Smith, Kenneth TB 1948
Ilse Louise Smith, Kenneth TB 1937 Valentine Smith, Kenneth TB 1941
Imperial Woman Smith, C & K TB 1957 Valley Mist Smith, Kenneth TB 1955
Inland Sea Smith, Kenneth TB 1955 Victorian Era Smith, Catherine TB 1971
Janie Vaughn Smith, Kenneth TB 1955 Violet Symphony Smith, Kenneth TB 1940
Jezebel Smith, Kenneth TB 1945 Violet Vista Smith, Catherine TB 1970
Katy Smith, Kenneth TB 1943 Wheel Of Fortune Smith, Kenneth TB 1952
Keene Valley Smith, Kenneth TB 1948 White Glory Smith, Kenneth TB 1937
Kings Highway Smith, C & K TB 1962 Wisdom Smith, C & K TB 1962
Klondyke Smith, Kenneth TB 1942 Witchcraft Smith, Kenneth TB 1952
Lady Ilse Smith, Kenneth TB 1950 Wonderful Smith, Kenneth TB 1945
Lake George Smith, Kenneth TB 1943 Wood Thrush Smith, Kenneth TB 1941
Lemonade Smith, Kenneth TB 1942 Yellow Comet Smith, Kenneth TB 1945
Liberator Smith, Kenneth TB 1949 Yellow Glory Smith, Kenneth TB 1937
Little Demon Smith, C & K BB 1962 Yellow Jewel Smith, Kenneth TB 1938
Lord Dongan Smith, Kenneth TB 1938 Young And Gay Smith, C & K TB 1966



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