Iris Database

6 years ago when I startet to creat a database for iris. We have more then 60 nonamed iris (NOIDs) in relation to 148 named iris in our garden. The idee was to list all iris with photos and programming a possibility to compare pictures side by side. (At this time I don't know, that it gives more than 1000 iris varieties. )

With help of this database I can organize our own iris and fill in the matching images. Then I make hundreds of hundreds photos in parks with iris collections in some citys in Switzerland, in Paris, Orléans and Jouy-en-Josas, by Countess of Zeppelin, Cayeux, Bianco and others.

On the basis of the prommed function in my database I can find the name from about 50% of our NOIDs in the first year.

Now we have more than 950 named iris varities in our garden and additionally about 230 NOIDs to identify. In the database are insert (july 2012) ~ 60000 iris and 25000 photos, included 3800 photos made by me. This photos can used royalty free. The other pictures are from friends, breeders and dealers worldwide. This photos can only used for comparison and not for others. 

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This database is the attempt to collect as much as possible pictures and infos about iris. It should not replace the AIS register and is primarily intended for private use and should help:
  • to get an overview of the own collection

  • indicate a source for Iris

  • unknown Iris (NOIDs) trying to assign by image comparison

  • to provide additional information on AIS Register, if in this database also listed iris, 

  • they are deleted in the AIS Register and there still exist (Honorabile, Faustine, Mexicana,...)

  • which have never been registered, but are still in trade

  • in the MAIS (Central European Iris Society) are registered

  • which are in trade for years under a false name

  • examples for print outs:


The database is still in the testing phase and is probably available for sale from the end of August 2012 at a price of 49 Euro (currently only in German). If interested, please send me just a Mail

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