Historic Iris Preservation
HIPS - Historic Iris Preservation Society
What are historic iris?        (Here does the opinions differ slightly.)
  • Following the basic idea of HIPS, are this iris, which were 30 years ago and bred in the past.
  • According to another opinion, should be the iris bred before at least 50 years, to qualify as historic.
Why get "old breedings"?
  • they are a mirror of the times
  • they are usually much stronger growing, more stable and less sensitive than modern varieties
  • especially the older varieties more lovers found in years
  • some (see also I) that many of them have much more character than most modern varieties
In preparation:


Symposium "Historic Iris" (planned)
  • which significance should have the receipt of historic iris?
  • Establishment of memorial collections of individual breeders?
  • identify the originality of a variety.
  • Possibilities of exchanges between collections in order to secure the receipt.
  • Should we really give a selection by gardenworthy of the iris
  • Are old varieties of value to preserve it?
  • Building a community of interest "Historic Iris' in Europe?
  • Establish of an official list of registered display gardens in Europe 
  • ...

    Are you interested to cooperate on this issue? Please send me an short e-mail - I would be very happy.


